Resources About Punditas
Artificial Intelligence Engine

Punditas AI Engine is a fully integrated component of our platform and powers all our Products

The AI Power behind our Products

Punditas AI engine leverages Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Vision and Deep Learning algorithms to discover data from numerous public repositories as well as customers internal knowledge repositories.
Punditas AI engine includes four main engines that discover, curate, analyze and deliver personalized content. These include Punditas Discovery engine, Punditas Vision engine, Punditas NLP engine and Punditas behavior engine

Discovery Engine

Automatically discovers Knowledge Sources as well data and meta-data contained in these sources for Enterprise Products

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Vision Engine

Punditas AI uses Deep Learning techniques to automatically derive insights from images, videos, text and more...

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NLP Engine

Punditas AI uses Natural Language Processing(NLP) to automatically discover meaning and relationships within textual content.

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Behavior Engine

Punditas Behavior Engine infers behaviors of Enterprise Users in order to deliver meaningful and personalized product content within the Users context

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Punditas AI Platform TM

The powerful Artificial Intelligence Engine behind our Products

    Easy integration with any external or customers internal knowledge repositories
    Discovery of Product related data & Metadata stored in disparate silos
    Aggregation of content from external and internal(your company) sources
    Extraction of data from semi-structured and structured content sources
    Analysis of curated data to spot patterns and gain insights
    Connection of the dots between User Traits and Product Traits
    Display of personalized and contextual content to User

Punditas AI Engine explained

This section describes each aspect of Punditas AI Engine that transforms raw data to structured, contextual knowledge graph that's delivered to the User

1.Enterprise Products

Support for Internal and External Knowledge repositories

Punditas AI Platform supports customers internal knowledge repositories as well as the knowledge for any Enterprise Application Software. The following apps are supported Out Of the Box. If you don't see your favorite Enterprise Application on the list, just contact us


Intelligent Data Discovery

Punditas AI Engine intelligently discovers Product Content & Metadata stored in various repositories. As an example - the content for just one product such as PTC Creo Software is stored in over 40+ repositories such as, PTC e-support portal, YouTube, Vimeo, PTC online community, learningconnector, liveworx, etc. Punditas Discovery engine lays the groundwork for Punditas AI platform to deliver meaningful results to users.


Automatic aggregation of data from 100's of sources

Punditas Content Aggregation process has been gathering raw web content for a long period of time. Aggregating data manually is almost impossible in today's data-driven world with data changing every minute of each day. Punditas data aggregation tools combine data from multiple sources in one place to uncover patterns in data and discover new insights

4. EXTRACT Phase

Meta-data extraction is key to personalization

Punditas AI Engine extracts data captured within semi-structured and unstructured sources,  such as PDFs documents, PDF forms, images, videos, text files, social media content. This is an important aspect of our AI engine. Our extraction tools not only extract Product content but also extracts and automatically enriches meta-data content with AI generated attributes. The extraction process varies depending on the source of data

5. ANALYZE Phase

Analyzing product data to glean meaningful insights

Punditas Data analysis tools uses Machine Learning, NLP, Vision algorithms for classification, clustering,entitiy extraction, topic extraction, object labelling, object recognition, OCR recognition, text extraction, text tagging. This Data analysis process helps with analyzing data to infer patterns and meaningful insights from data

6. CONNECT Phase

Mapping User - Product Triats

This step updates our User-profile data as well as Product-profile data based on a set of pre-defined attributes. This is one of the key steps of Punditas AI Engine for delivering personalized content for Users

7. DELIVER Phase

Delivering Just-in-time insights that matters

Punditas AI engine delivers content that's meaningful and memorable to its Users. Punditas Knowledge Graph understands Products, Content and Context and how it relates to the Users.

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